The World Back in Chechnya

My second mystery novel, Rip-Off, is a whodunit about Chechen organized crime set in Santa Monica, not Boston. The news unfolding in Boston has me and the rest of the world gob-smacked, as the Brits say. It may be that Chechnya in the end has nothing to do with the...

In the Nick of Time: Our Left Coast Crime Conference Panel

Authors are assigned to panels at these conferences and we looked at one another when we met trying to find the commonality between us.  Is it that we all struggle with the problem of getting our protagonist in and out of danger. We all have to find a believable...

What’s a Crime Writer’s Conference Like?

The Left Coast Crime Conference held in Sacramento, California brought together fewer agents and editors that I had noticed in last year’s conference. A quick scan of the program revealed only five panels out of the fifty-two varied offerings dealing with the...