New Life in a New Country – Ottawa, Ontario

New Life in a New Country – Ottawa, Ontario

Moving back “home” became something new. Surprises at my new life in a new country.  Surprises?  Canadians like sweet iced tea. Ick. No pennies in circulation.  They round up to the nickel. I’m sorry it’s taken so long to post this update for...
The Basics of My New Life in Ottawa, Ontario

The Basics of My New Life in Ottawa, Ontario

You don’t realize how time and energy-consuming it is to set up the basics of life, life as we know it in the 21st century. Life, for me, includes an Internet connection, smartphone, and TV, a bank, credit card, driver’s license. I’m sorry it’s taken so long for...

The Stuff You Accumulated: Now You’re Moving

What you paid for something, in the end, comes down to what you can shove into the moving van or the U-Haul. What you paid for stuff has no relationship to what you can sell it for at a yard sale. How did you accumulate all this stuff? Everyone I know has a story...