New Book: Nothing Ever Happens Here
I've read Nothing Ever Happens Here, my current novel, at least 23 times before you, as readers ever see it. That means beginning to end. From the first draft to the moment when I superstitiously...

The 3 Years it took to write By Accident
It’s taken 3 years to bring By Accident to publication. By Accident is the fifth in my Santa Monica police procedural series. Back in the day, whenever that was, I could write one crime novel a...

Joy at Writing The End
Anyone who writes will appreciate the joy of getting to an end of a piece of work that hooks all the segments together, ties up all the loose ends, and arrives at the right place to stop. Gasp! The...

Mar Preston – Crime Fiction Author
Mar Preston - Mystery Author FJ: When did you decide to become a writer? Mar: No decision involved. I slid into it....

Detective Dave Mason’s Santa Monica
Detective Dave Mason's Santa Monica No Dice, Rip-Off, On Behalf of the Family, & A Very Private School, and By Accident are a series of crime fiction novels that take place in Santa Monica,...

You Take Proving Your Identity for Granted?
You take your identity for granted. Flash your driver’s license and maybe a credit card, and that’s it. We all know identity theft is lucrative for thieves, misery for the victim. Does this sweet...

New Life in a New Country – Ottawa, Ontario
Moving back "home" became something new. Surprises at my new life in a new country. Surprises? Canadians like sweet iced tea. Ick. No pennies in circulation. They round up to the nickel. I'm...

The Basics of My New Life in Ottawa, Ontario
You don’t realize how time and energy-consuming it is to set up the basics of life, life as we know it in the 21st century. Life, for me, includes an Internet connection, smartphone, and TV, a bank,...

How could you have a disappointing weekend in Quebec City?
My new life in another country. Quebec City is one of the glories of Canada. My friend Judith Cassis was visiting. We decided to take the train from Ottawa to Quebec City and hit all the highlights....